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PERU - DAY TEN - Rain Forrest

Previous Blogs:

Day 1 - Arequepa | Day 2 - Yanque | Day 3 - Colca Canyon | Day 4 - Lake Titicaca | Day 5 - Road to Cusco | Day 6 - Machu Picchu | Day 7 - Cusco

Day 8 - Sacred Valley | Day 9 - Salt and Terraces | Day 10 - Rain Forest

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We had a reasonable start this morning, got picked up at 8AM to catch our flight to the Amazon Basin and spend 2 days in the rain forest.

We flew with StarPreu airlines on a rather unusual jet - a British Aerospace BAe 146. Never seen them before, they have high wings as opposed to the regular Boeing 737 and Airbus A340 we are used to in the USA where the wings are below the windows not above. They also have 4 engines.

Given the fact that you are taking off at 11,000 feet I guess they are better suited to the high altitude take offs, although I must admit it felt as if the plane would never leave the ground trundling down the runway like what seemed forever before we lifted off!

Smallish, it only had 15 rows of seats 6 people wide, 3 on each side like a 737 or A340.


The fight was about 40 minutes and we landed in Puerto Maldonado, a small town in the Jungle only 600 feet above sea level. That is a change! As we stepped off the plane the heat and humidity hit us just like it does in Tampa, mid-July.

Our tour guide was there to meet us and a very short ride to their office where we had a semi cold beer. Peruvians really don't seem to like cold beer. Very hard to find, even here where the air temperature is 95 and the humidity 90%.

You wouldn't say we were in the same country the weather is so different - the reason is we are now only 600 feet above sea level!

Wendy found a pregnant cat to play with.

Then it was time to set off on a 45 minute drive on THIS road to get to the boat that will take by boat to the lodge.

They gave us this snack to keep us from dying of starvation. 2 baby bananas, bag of plantain chips, and sugar covered Brazil Nuts. YUMMMMM!!!!! (It really was good!! Don't let the sarcasm fool you this time)

We arrived at the river and climbed into this boat. We are not on the Amazon River itself, but one of its tributaries in the basin. It looks so brown and gross because it is rainy season and there's a lot of run off.

We had to wear lifejackets and  they served us lunch during the 45 minute boat ride which was fried rice with veggies, eggs and cheese served in a Bird of Paradise leaf.

Our captain. The engine was a Yamaha 75 four stroke, exact same engine we have on one of our larger pontoons - "Ponty Palooza". I would guess this boat got up to at least 35mph.  Ours does more.  LOL

The jungle was pretty impenetrable.

But there were signs of life along the way. The reason they have long skinny boats is because the current is pretty strong and these boats cut through it better.

We arrived the the lodge dock.

And then had a 15 minute UPHILL walk to the lodge. Fortunately they had porters carry our luggage!

Our bedroom, only 3 walls!

Hangin' in the jungle!

Our personal guide (did not know the hotel included one) took us on a 1 1/2 hour walk through the jungle.

Wendy found a lot of bugs to play with too!

We got to the canopy tower - it was 120 feet high and 299 steps to walk up! AND you know how I feel about heights! But the views were worth it.



And finally,


They gave us free wellington boot rentals coz it can get pretty muddy in rainy season.


Doesn't Wendy look soooo sexy in them?

Wendy's Note:  This Amazon Jungle shit is sooooooo freakin' cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  No electricity, minimal to zilch internet, lights out at 10pm.  The symphony of the critters is our opera this evening.  Thank goodness for mosquito nets over the bed.   


This place is NOT for wussies. If you are freaked out about 6 inch wing span moths flurrying about your head, unknown buggies crawling up the wall, across your foot and down your cleavage - go to the Ritz.


If you are into gazing at The Southern Cross, warm beer, great immersion conversation in another language and something super uber funky weird different ...have at it and enjoy.   La vida bueno.  Ciao!